Example notebooks
These examples are also available on GitHub. You can run them locally after cloning DoWhy and installing Jupyter. Or you can run them directly in a web browser using the Binder environment.
Getting started
- Getting started with DoWhy: A simple example
- Confounding Example: Finding causal effects from observed data
- DoWhy: Different estimation methods for causal inference
- Testing Assumptions in model with DoWhy: A simple example
- Simple example on using Instrumental Variables method for estimation
- Different ways to load an input graph
- DoWhy: Interpreters for Causal Estimators
- Demo for the DoWhy causal API
- Do-sampler Introduction
- Basic Example for GCM-Based Inference
Using benchmark datasets
- Conditional Average Treatment Effects (CATE) with DoWhy and EconML
- Mediation analysis with DoWhy: Direct and Indirect Effects
- A Simple Example on Creating a Custom Refutation Using User-Defined Outcome Functions
- Estimating effect of multiple treatments
- Iterating over multiple refutation tests
- Identifying Effect using ID Algorithm
- Root cause analysis (RCA) of latencies in a microservice architecture
- Root causes of changes in a supply chain
- Impact of 401(k) eligibility on net financial assets