Example Notebooks
- Getting started with DoWhy: A simple example
- Confounding Example: Finding causal effects from observed data
- Let’s create a mystery dataset for which we need to determine whether there is a causal effect.
- Using DoWhy to resolve the mystery: Does Treatment cause Outcome?
- STEP 1: Model the problem as a causal graph
- STEP 2: Identify causal effect using properties of the formal causal graph
- STEP 3: Estimate the causal effect
- Checking if the estimate is correct
- Step 4: Refuting the estimate
- Adding a random common cause variable
- Replacing treatment with a random (placebo) variable
- Removing a random subset of the data
- DoWhy: Different estimation methods for causal inference
- Conditional Average Treatment Effects (CATE) with DoWhy and EconML
- Demo for the DoWhy causal API
- Do-sampler Introduction
- Different ways to load an input graph
- Simple example on using Instrumental Variables method for estimation
- DoWhy example on ihdp (Infant Health and Development Program) dataset
- DoWhy example on the Lalonde dataset
- Lalonde Pandas API Example